Training Basic Legal Matters in Business

What are the basic legal things, law and regulations do I need to know in a business?




The topic will be discussed is the sharing of understanding and knowledge of legal aspects that are often asked by business people who will or when they start to build a business and after being incorporated.



The basic legal aspects that need to be known by business people

  1. When should you form a business entity?
  2. From now on? Or after there is a revenue stream?
  3. Is it necessary to make an agreement between founders?
  4. What points need to be included in the agreement?
  5. For cooperation with third parties, do you need a notarial certificate?
  6. For negotiations with potential investors, does it need to be accompanied by a legal counselor?
  7. When should you register the trademark?
  8. etc.
  1. Discussion about AD / ART in Notarial Deed for companies that are legal entities
  2. Discussion of the main contents of the Limited Liability Company Law
  3. etc.



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